We are committed to revolutionizing the future of home automation.

Arik PropTech BV is a leading proptech company specializing in home automation technologies, software development consultancy, and process automation solutions. With a team of seasoned professionals, we are committed to revolutionizing the real estate industry and helping homeowners streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve living experiences.


Innovative Solutions for Modern Real Estate Challenges

  • Tailored technology consulting to identify and implement the best solutions for your business
  • Accurate and easy-to-use financial reporting systems for better financial control
  • Automated maintenance tracking and scheduling for optimized property upkeep
  • Data-driven insights to help you make informed decisions and maximize your ROI
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Services that we offer

We offer a comprehensive range of proptech services designed to address the unique challenges faced by homeowners and real estate professionals.

We specialize in:

  • Home Automation & Real Estate Consulting
  • Custom Software Development
  • Process Automation & Integrations for Smart Homes
Space analysis and planning
Process Automation
Tenant Relations
Maintenance Tracking
Software Development
Evaluation and reporting

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Real Estate Portfolio

Our team of experts works closely with clients to develop customized strategies and innovative proptech solutions that address their unique needs and goals. By analyzing property performance, optimizing assets, implementing effective tenant acquisition and retention strategies, and streamlining lease management, we help you maximize revenue and increase property value.

Get a quote

Discover how we can help you streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve tenant satisfaction.

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Our Branches

The Netherlands

Arik PropTech BV
Specialized in Home Automation and Real Estate Consulting.


Locasoft LTD
Focuses on Software Development and Tenant Relations.

Florida, USA

Locasoft LLC
Our branch where we manage our own Airbnb properties and test our magic.